This staging is to honor women. Guru Vidudhi Smt Padmini Achchi has beautifully portrayed all the aspects that a women undergo in her lifetime through a dance production.
Shiva is known as “The Destroyer”and the supreme being who creates, protects and transforms the universe. Guru Vidudhi Smt Padmini Achchi has asthethically shown many sancharis about stories related to Shiva in this choreography. The eye catchy group poses of Shiva choreographed by Guru is commendable.
Kuppalli Venkatappa Puttappa popularly known as Kuvempu is the Indian novelist, poet and a playwriter. Our National poet (Rastrakavi) has bagged many awards for his contributions to literature. As a tribute to the gem of Karnataka, Guru Vidushi Smt Padmini Achchi has composed a ballet dance that consists of songs written by Kavi himself.
Lord Vishnu incarnates on Earth to eradicate the evil forces, and restore the drama. The ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu are collectively known as the Dashavatara. Guru Vidushi Smt Padmini Achchi has shown these avatars through jathis, sancharis and poses in her choreography.
Krishna the 8th avatara of Lord Vishnu is known for compassion, tenderness and love. Guru Vidushi Smt Padmini Achchi in her choreography has depicted anecdotes and narratives of Krishna’s life in this production.
Hari-Hara is the fused representation of Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara). The concept of equivalence of various gods as one principle and “oneness of all existence” is discussed as HariHara. This production has a blend of songs on Vishnu and Shiva describing the various aspects of their life.

A Russian stringed musical instrument.

An aerophone with a storied past.

Improve your vocals: either solo or in a choir.